Not today..

This breaks my heart This breaks my soulThis breaks the purpose of my existence. I continue to walk as a ghost in the midst of people.Forever surrendering to the divine and hoping for a releaseA sweet release. Waiting for the day the pain will ceaseTill then I will move in this worldLost and scaredNot today […]

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Millions of…

There are millions of positive notes of encouragement in this worldMillions of self help booksMillions of influencersMillions of inspiring songsMillions of art moving us to tearsMillions of life-changing places we could visitMillions of trees and animals we could grow and loveMillions of food we can eat and enjoy Yet..Why is it so hard to heal […]

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Mind, Body and Soul

I believe in heart, mind, body and soul. I believe that the heart needs to be kept alive by being with the people we loveBy surrounding ourselves with love and compassionBy making someone smileBy showing patienceBy talking to animalsBy looking at the trees and feeling connected with every single thing in this worldI believe that […]

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Have you ever..

Have you ever seen someone you love give up. Have you begged them to get up and moveHave you tried to make them smile even though you are hurting inside. Tried to make them see the good things in lifeTried to reason with them that all is not bad.Show them the rising sun and the […]

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